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Insertion progress update


Insertion progress update

In Tibetan Buddhism, insertion is an essential part of consecrating a Buddha statue or stupa. It’s important to fill statues and stupas to increase their blessings, to increase their auspiciousness, to increase their power to benefit us, and to make them a powerful focal object for the accumulation of merit.

It’s also critical to insert the correct items, to include as many items as possible, and to place all these items in the correct locations. The list of items can be short or long, simple or complex. But because the Tsem Rinpoche Relic Stupa and Temple is so important and significant, our insertions are super traditional, super blessed and super extensive.

So the next time you’re in Kechara Forest Retreat, take a look at the progress of the Relic Temple, pay homage at Rinpoche’s Relic Stupa and remember that you’re in the presence of over 5 million mantras, 10,000 relic tsatsas, 900 statues, 500 wealth vases and 2 tonnes of holy pills!

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

If you’ve landed on this page, you’ve probably benefitted from Rinpoche’s kindness in one way or another. Perhaps you received teachings, gifts or advice when Rinpoche was still with us. Or maybe you came across Rinpoche’s videos or writings after his passing. Either way, it’s likely that Rinpoche changed your life in ways that are difficult to describe.

If you’d like to repay Rinpoche’s kindness and make it possible for his teachings and future incarnation to help many other people like yourself, please support this special project. You can contribute directly towards the construction of the Relic Temple by sponsoring a Brick of Merit today.

Further reading: