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Samayavajra Purification Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

Mend guru samaya and purify negative karma arising from broken commitments with an afternoon of purification and spiritual renewal.

Dorje Shugden Wishfulfilling Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

A powerful wish-fulfilling puja that attracts wealth and good luck, protects from harm and negative beings, supports spiritual growth, and creates positive conditions for a fulfilling and happy life.

Chanting the Names
of Manjushri

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

A collective chanting session of the Manjushri Namasamgiti Sutra to create the causes for wisdom, insight, clarity of mind and higher realisations.

Golden Light Sutra Recitation

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

A recitation of the Sutra of Golden Light to increase peace, harmony, healing and success.