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HEAL with Love for Animals

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

Show your love for the feathered friends in our aviary with hand-made toys. Then try your hand out at making traditional dishes from the Tibetan plateau — vegetarian style.

HEAL with Crystal Energy

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

Discover the energetic properties of crystals and how they can affect mood and wellbeing. Then learn how to cleanse and enhance crystal energy through the power of faith and mantra.

HEAL with Aura Reading

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

Understand your personality, strengths and weaknesses with a personal aura reading. Then learn how to uplift your mood and improve your vibe with spiritual meditations and practices.