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Medicine Buddha Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

A powerful healing ritual and mantra chanting session which calls on the supreme blessings of Medicine Buddha for good health and long life.

Chanting the Names
of Manjushri

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

A collective chanting session of the Manjushri Namasamgiti to create the causes for wisdom, insight, clarity of mind and higher realisations.

Dorje Shugden Wishfulfilling Monthly Puja

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

Join us for a Wishfulfilling Dorje Shugden Puja to create positive conditions for wealth, protect against negativities, and facilitate your spiritual journey.

KFR Pilgrimage

Kechara Forest Retreat Lot 3189 Jalan Chamang, Bentong, Pahang

Develop a deeper appreciation for the holy sites at Kechara Forest Retreat as you embark on a healing pilgrimage under the guidance of our Buddhist pastors.