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Upcoming sangha ordination


2nd sangha ordination coming soon!

We are extremely pleased to announce the upcoming ordination of five more Sangha-to-be as novice monks and nuns.

Ven. Gen Usula Lobsang Jinpa, the chantmaster emeritus of Shar Gaden Monastery, will be conducting the ordination ceremony and bestowing the novice vows. Gen Usula was handpicked by His Eminence Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende prior to his parinirvana earlier this year.

The ordination of our second group of sangha is yet another step towards fulfilling our founder H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s dream of having a thriving community of Malaysian sangha who are well versed in both local culture and Tibetan Buddhist tradition. It is also a step closer to Rinpoche’s vision of making Kechara Forest Retreat the home of spiritual practitioners and a living institution of Tibetan Buddhism.

The ceremony will take place in September 2024 during the month-long celebration of Tsem Rinpoche’s 5th Parinirvana Aniversary.

The Sangha-to-be who will be ordained are:

  • Pastor Chia Song Peng
  • Pastor Lim Tat Ming
  • Pastor Adeline Woon
  • Pastor Antoinette Kass
  • Choi Kim Yok

We rejoice for their sincere commitment to the Dharma path.

As per tradition, the actual ordination ceremony will be a closed event, attended only by ordained Sangha and those receiving ordination. It will not be open to the public.

Pastor Chia Song Peng
Pastor Lim Tat Ming
Pastor Adeline Woon
Pastor Antoinette Kass
Choi Kim Yok
We rejoice for their sincere commitment to the Dharma path.

Some people have expressed interest in making offerings to our new ordained sangha, supporting their expenses and contributing to the ordination ceremony. Donations towards these purposes can be made to Persatuan Penganut Buddha Rumah Kechara Malaysia (Kechara House).

  • Beneficiary: Kechara House
  • Bank Name: CIMB Bank Berhad
  • Account Number: 8003731474
  • Swift Code: CIBBMYKL
  • Bank Address: 1-1, Jalan PJU1/3F,
    Sunwaymas Commercial Centre,
    47301 Petaling Jaya,
    Selangor, Malaysia.

Please include the project code KHSL003 in the reference/payment details and WhatsApp the transaction slip to for issuance of receipt.

Alternatively, you can donate online via our dana offering fund.